Regional News of Friday, 31 May 2013

Source: GNA

Workshop on child labour ends at Akyem Swedru

A four-day workshop on the negative effects of worst forms of child labour ended at Akyem Swedru in the Birim South District on Thursday.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Child Aid and Youth Development Network (CAYDNET), a non-governmental organization organized the workshop.

A total of 100 participants selected from beneficiary International Programme on Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) and the ILO cocoa communities Project in the district attended the programme.

The participants are expected to form a club namely Supporting Children’s Right through Education, the Arts and the Media (SCREAM) to expose issues on child labour through the use of drama, role plays, creative writing, art work, debates and quiz.

Ms Rebecca Larbi, a resource person from the Suhum Municipal Education office, said the main idea behind the club was to equip children with skills and capacity that would enable them to work together with adults towards the elimination of child labour.

SCREAM aims to highlight the suffering of child labourers and to provide a catalyst for action and change.

Mr Sam Odoteye, also a resource person from the Suhum Municipal Education office, said SCRAEM programme worked through creative, interactive and innovative teaching methods by placing emphasis on the use of visual, literacy, and performing arts, as a means of deepen children’s understanding of the issue of child labour and provide them with powerful tools of self-expression.

Ms Grace Boakye Yiadom, Birim South District ILO Co-coordinator, earlier expressed gratitude to Mr Andrew Acheampong, Executive Director of CAYDNET, and staff for their support and contribution towards the successful implementation of the project.
