You have taken the wids off my sail. Why should there be a delay in the payment of capitation grant? How does the government expects the heads to run the school? Is the Mrs aware that there are places even in Greater Accra Re ... read full comment
You have taken the wids off my sail. Why should there be a delay in the payment of capitation grant? How does the government expects the heads to run the school? Is the Mrs aware that there are places even in Greater Accra Region where teachers have to find money to buy chalk and notebooks? Teachers are not paid or paid on time. How do you expect them to do much? Does the army march on an empty stomach? De Souzu, if you pretend to pay them, they pretend to work. Ask the Russians under Soviet Union and they will tell you. That was why Soviet Union fell. Can you fire them if you don't pay them on time or as late as 22 months later? Answer me Anita.
Ananse 10 years ago
To me, the capitation grant should be cancelled because some headmaster don't use the money for the purpose for which it was given. The Grant must be used to cushion the teachers for them to be motivated and to do good job. S ... read full comment
To me, the capitation grant should be cancelled because some headmaster don't use the money for the purpose for which it was given. The Grant must be used to cushion the teachers for them to be motivated and to do good job. Secondly, the circuit supervisors are not doing any better job to help the government. In some district, they help the head masters to spend the grants
Frank Agyena-Karikari 10 years ago
The Capitation grants never get there or get there after the year has ended. How can the school be run. As for the Circuit Supervisors, the least said about them, the better. They do, as you rightly said, do nothing. Until te ... read full comment
The Capitation grants never get there or get there after the year has ended. How can the school be run. As for the Circuit Supervisors, the least said about them, the better. They do, as you rightly said, do nothing. Until teachers are paid on time, absenteeism has come to live with us.
Sankofa 10 years ago
Does the Regional Director of Education
not have the authority to sanction absentee teachers?
Can that authority not be delegated to headteachers?
We need people in positions of responsibility to show leadership instea ... read full comment
Does the Regional Director of Education
not have the authority to sanction absentee teachers?
Can that authority not be delegated to headteachers?
We need people in positions of responsibility to show leadership instead of passing the buck.
KING LOMOTEY 10 years ago
What about using time clocks?
Every teacher who comes in clock in showing the time you came in, and there are no clocks, every teacher who comes to work has to sign in, and sign out when school is over.
What about using time clocks?
Every teacher who comes in clock in showing the time you came in, and there are no clocks, every teacher who comes to work has to sign in, and sign out when school is over.
PROFESSOR ASHAWO!! 10 years ago
ABCd 10 years ago
Where is the Minister of Education and her loud mouth deputy Minister doing about absenteeism sleeping? This should be the first thing for them to pick on once in office because this issue is not new. It is an ongoing problem ... read full comment
Where is the Minister of Education and her loud mouth deputy Minister doing about absenteeism sleeping? This should be the first thing for them to pick on once in office because this issue is not new. It is an ongoing problems and our children are failing their exams.
shame on ndc 10 years ago
you are not paying them in time and even most have not being paid since 2 years and 3 years
you are not paying them in time and even most have not being paid since 2 years and 3 years
mr. africa (aflao) 10 years ago
ask gvmet to .pay the capitation grant on time...gvmet has money to buy cars for Ghana black stars but no money capitation and solve the electricity problems...
ask gvmet to .pay the capitation grant on time...gvmet has money to buy cars for Ghana black stars but no money capitation and solve the electricity problems...
from BUSH 10 years ago
please madam let your team moves around especially the typical villages and verify whether or not chalk, text books,lesson note books, proper structures and others facilities are available before checking on teachers absentee ... read full comment
please madam let your team moves around especially the typical villages and verify whether or not chalk, text books,lesson note books, proper structures and others facilities are available before checking on teachers absenteeism right poor quality education.
scratcho 10 years ago
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
kenny 10 years ago
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
kenny 10 years ago
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
Ernestina 9 years ago
if the so called circuit supervisors are up and doing we wld be in school always. forms dat are supposed to be taken to the office by CS are not why wldnt d teacher do it. Again I completed college in 2012 and up to date, my ... read full comment
if the so called circuit supervisors are up and doing we wld be in school always. forms dat are supposed to be taken to the office by CS are not why wldnt d teacher do it. Again I completed college in 2012 and up to date, my Ssnit number and deductions doesn't show on my payslip. o have been to my district office and the snnit office severally stil no good news. I have been directed to go to Accra. have no option than to go. others have pressing issues. lets all do our works diligently and GES wil go a long way.
And they will be present and on time.
You have taken the wids off my sail. Why should there be a delay in the payment of capitation grant? How does the government expects the heads to run the school? Is the Mrs aware that there are places even in Greater Accra Re ...
read full comment
To me, the capitation grant should be cancelled because some headmaster don't use the money for the purpose for which it was given. The Grant must be used to cushion the teachers for them to be motivated and to do good job. S ...
read full comment
The Capitation grants never get there or get there after the year has ended. How can the school be run. As for the Circuit Supervisors, the least said about them, the better. They do, as you rightly said, do nothing. Until te ...
read full comment
Does the Regional Director of Education
not have the authority to sanction absentee teachers?
Can that authority not be delegated to headteachers?
We need people in positions of responsibility to show leadership instea ...
read full comment
What about using time clocks?
Every teacher who comes in clock in showing the time you came in, and there are no clocks, every teacher who comes to work has to sign in, and sign out when school is over.
Where is the Minister of Education and her loud mouth deputy Minister doing about absenteeism sleeping? This should be the first thing for them to pick on once in office because this issue is not new. It is an ongoing problem ...
read full comment
you are not paying them in time and even most have not being paid since 2 years and 3 years
ask gvmet to .pay the capitation grant on time...gvmet has money to buy cars for Ghana black stars but no money capitation and solve the electricity problems...
please madam let your team moves around especially the typical villages and verify whether or not chalk, text books,lesson note books, proper structures and others facilities are available before checking on teachers absentee ...
read full comment
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
Well said mum! You hit the nail right on the head. There are two sides to the issue: government must be proactive and teachers too must be selflessly commited to.their enviable and honourable calling
if the so called circuit supervisors are up and doing we wld be in school always. forms dat are supposed to be taken to the office by CS are not why wldnt d teacher do it. Again I completed college in 2012 and up to date, my ...
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