Kpone youth storms Tema Police Regional offices

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  • Frank Agyena-Karikari 9 years ago

    Ghana is becoming just too lawless. Is it not insane for a youth group to storm a police premises because one of their own has been arrested?

  • GUNSHOT 9 years ago

    Do you think,if soldiers had effected this arrest,the so called group would have dared going to storm the army barracks? certainly not.
    The conduct of the police on our streets/roads is tarnishing the image of otherwise, thi ...
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  • nii nuertey abladey 9 years ago

    Frank if the law is really working,one wil go the police because the law is now for sell.if you give me a chance l i'll let you know why .the guys will continue until Kline is liberated from those selfish individua ...
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  • Kofi, US 9 years ago

    Our Nana Addo ugly Who art in Ghana Loser be your name Thy defeat come again Your free education be done by NDC As it is in your promise Give us this day our all die be die plan And forgive us our supreme court verdict As we ...
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  • Concerned Ghanaian 9 years ago

    The Police must be seen not to take sides in this Kpone case. We should all note that we are in a democratic dispensation. Though the majority is not always right, the majority carry the vote. Kpone should be allowed to chose ...
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  • KINGCR8IVE BRIGHT 9 years ago

    Lawless ndc footsoldiers at work as usual. Dare touch anyone of them to your own discomfort, so they do anything at all they want after all "they are not afraid of anything or anyone". Ate gya !.

  • BBC NEWS! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 years ago

    Kofi US why are you so Stupid. Come on get your hand out of your mother's ass and grow up. What does Nana has to do with this. You are just one Useless Animal who need to be kept in the bush. You fucking Fool.

  • kodzovi 9 years ago

    90% of Regional and District Police commanders are either northners or ewes and same for PROs.Ghanaians should speak out.

  • nii nuertey abladey 9 years ago

    Mr kojovi it can be any one in the position,we the youth of kpone don't care .we fight until kpone free from those selfish individuals

  • kodzovi 9 years ago

    There are a sizeable Ga police officers .How many of them are even District commanders. None

  • nii nuertey abladey 9 years ago

    No one is bigger than.the looting of Kline is truly coming to an end .thanks soo much my dear brothers keep the fire burning

  • Nii Noi 9 years ago

    The Kpone youth are absolutely right because the town has virtually been run down. The town boasts with the largest constituency in Greater Accra but sadly the most undeveloped constituency in the country. It hosts the larg ...
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  • Nana Antwi 9 years ago

    What kind of dysfunctional democracy are we evolving. You arrest people without charging them. You are also not prepared to give reasons to the media. I frown on mob action but what option do they leave the agitated youth. Th ...
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  • ADE 9 years ago