Religion of Saturday, 24 January 2009

Source: GNA

Adum Full Gospel International marks 20th anniversary

Kumasi, Jan. 24, GNA - The Adum Chapter of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International (FGBMFI) has celebrated its 20th anniversary in Kumasi with a call on members to win more souls for Christ through their deeds. The Reverend Shariff Ahmed Boateng, a Baptist Minister, in Kumasi, who made the call, said this was the only way to reduce crime and other social vices in the country.

He, however, advised them to ba se their messages on the word of God rather than false doctrines that often confused would be Christians. The Reverend Hayford Frimpong, President of the Chapter in a brief history said the Adum Chapter, which is among the 80 ones in Ghana, was founded in 1989. He said FGBMFI was founded by the late Demos Shakaria, an American in California 56 years ago and has now become international, functioning in 150 countries worldwide. He said through dining, Demos won businessmen for Christ, adding that, he had reached all men for Jesus Christ in countries such as Britain, Japan and USA.

Reverend Frimpong noted that the Fellowship whose objectives, among others, are to call men back to God, train and equip them to grow spiritually, equip them for evangelism as well as provide opportunity for Christian fellowship, also have women as members. He explained that the group, which was first established in Ghana in 1979 by Reverend Kwabena Darko, a renowned industrialists and politician, have some of its benefits as enjoying God's peace whilst on earth in-spite of life's eventualities and having Heaven as their ultimate place after death. Two members, Brother Francis Owusu Akuming and Reverend E.K Sarpong gave testimonies as to how they had benefited from the group. Three persons, Michael Darko, Christopher Adjei Manu and Agyekum Boakye were given membership pins to be part of the Fellowship. Twenty-seven members, including a lady were honoured for their dedication and they received a certificate each. 24 Jan. 09
