Accra, May 18, GNA - Reverend Mac Ralph Attih, Parish Pastor of the Banana-Inn branch, Global Evangelical Church, on Wednesday said crisis in most marital homes should be blamed on the noxious notions peddled by women emancipation movements. In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), Rev Attih said all truisms in the Bible and those taught at homes about marriage were subjected to ridicule and unrelenting bombardment from these movements.
"The biblical instruction that wives should submit to their husbands as heads according to Ephesians 5:22-23 is outmoded and ridiculous to them. "The concept that man and woman in marriage should become one flesh, finding their identity in each other rather than as separate and competing individual, is said to be intolerably insulting to them," he said. Rev. Attih further said such women movements considered that husbands and wife are individuals and each should have their own bank account but explained also that there must be some form of joint account for the two. Rev Attih said: 93The belief that divorce is an unacceptable alternative as outlined in God's word has been abandoned," he said, adding that now it was no longer a taboo to divorce as it was a lasting stigma some years ago. He indicated that the description of an ideal woman in Proverbs 31:10-31 was unthinkable for the modern woman as they felt such qualities must be done away with in the interest of modernity. According to him, such a woman was an excellent wife and mother, a manufacturer, an importer, a manager, realtor farmer seamstress, upholsterer, and a merchant, adding the strength and dignity of the women did not come from her physical appearance but from the content of her character. He called on men to wake up to current realities and responsibilities and treat their wives as queens. "It is of utmost importance that you make your wife feel like a queen and treat her as one," he said. This according to him put to rest poisonous ideas women emancipation movements churned out on the wings of the media.