Religion of Sunday, 8 December 2013

Source: GNA

Book on total life cycle of biblical figures launched

Christians who speak, read or understand Ewe now have the opportunity to be informed on aspects of the lives of some popular biblical personalities that the Bible is silent on.

The lives- behind-the- lives of those biblical heroes could be found in “Yesu Kristo fe nkeke mamleawo” co-authored by Reverends Lawson Kwaku Dzanku, Chaplain of the E.P. University College (EPUC) and Traugott Soglo of the E.P. Church Aflao, and launched in Ho on Saturday.

The 17-chapter book, for example, talks about who Lazarus’s parents were, the work he did, the sickness which killed him, and why he and his two sisters, Mary and Martha were Jesus’ good friends.

It also talks about why Judas Iscariot had to be the one to betray Jesus Christ, and many more facts- of- lives of many biblical figures.

Reverend Dr Cyril Fayose, President of the EPUC who reviewed the book, described it as an excellent source of background information about important biblical personalities that many a christian did not know.

He said the book is a rare addition to the few books on the Christian gospel written in Ewe.

Rev Fayose described the style of writing as simple and innovative, making it easy to be read and understood by both children and adults of all ages and levels of sophistication.

He observed that the book has provided good material for drama and sermons, and added flesh to the biblical accounts of the gospel.

Dr Fayose said though there were a few shortcomings of the book, “it is a must for all.'

Talking on the rationale for the book, Reverend Dzanku said the ideas for the book were conceived by them when they were co-pastors at the Mamprobi E.P. Church.

He said the decision to write the book in Ewe was to provide an easy-to read- material related to the gospel to those literate in Ewe not English Language.

It was also to promote the reading of the Ewe language among many young people who are deficient in their mother tongue.

Very Rev Japhet Ledo, former Moderator of the E.P. Church said the conversational style of the book arrests the interest of the reader throughout.

He said the book inspires him.
