Religion of Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Source: GNA

E.P. Church youths asked to exercise genuine faith

Reverend Vincent K. Dagadu, Youth Programme Officer of the E.P. Church Sunday exhorted the youths of the Church to demonstrate “genuine faith in order to see the hand of God in their lives”.

He was preaching the sermon at the end of the 21st Annual National Congress of the Evangelical Presbyterian Students Union (EPSU) in Ho under the theme, “God of life, the Word is Truth and Spirit.”

“So long as your faith is genuine whatever you say can come to pass,” Rev Dagadu said.

He said it was that genuine faith demonstrated by the biblical David the shepherd that enabled him to confront and slay Goliath who had held the entire Israelite army in fear.

“His (David’s) life and character were admired by God. Child of God let your faith be genuine and you shall reap the fruit of God.”

Reverend Dagadu therefore urged members of the Union to be steadfast anytime they were confronted by difficult situations because such situations were designed by God to prepare them for great exploits.

Mr Eyram Natson Amengor, National President of the Union reminded members not to bear the tag of indiscipline, reminding them that indiscipline starts small and grows bigger until it becomes uncontrollable and festers into lawlessness.

Mr Amengor urged them to guard against individualism and willingly render sacrificial service as Christians.

He urged members of the Union to embark on vigorous evangelism because “our evangelism has become the “marking scheme” in the Church.

Mr Amengor pledged that the Union would not do anything to bring the Church and the Union into disrepute.

“Pray for this to come to pass,” he exhorted.

In a message during the opening session of the Congress, Right Reverend Francis Amenu, Moderator of the E.P.Church urged delegates to uphold good behavior and be shining examples that others would emulate and identify with the Church.

He expressed the conviction that the EPSU would continue to work tirelessly “in the Lord’s vine yard” for the growth and progress of the Church.
