Religion of Monday, 15 September 2014

Source: Ato Aidoo (T-Poly Park, Takoradi)

John Bonaventure Kwofie Installed as new Bishop of the Sekondi-Takoradi

John Bonaventure Kwofie Installed as new Bishop of the Sekondi-Takoradi Diocese
Report by Ato Aidoo (T-Poly Park, Takoradi)
A somberly impressive ceremony has been held in Takoradi, Western Ghana, to mark the episcopal ordination and installation of Most Rev. John Bonaventure Kwofie, CSSp, as bishop of the Sekondi-Takoradi Catholic Diocese. He becomes the 4th Bishop of a diocese created by the Holy See on 20th December 1969 as a territory detached from the Archdiocese of Cape-Coast.
In a colorful representation - of church tradition, spirituality, songs of praise constructed to suit the occasion, it was the cynosure of all eyes as the new bishop leaves the podium to embrace his mother to a rousing welcome from natives of Apowa, where he also hails from.
Priests and religious from the Sekondi-Takoradi diocese took turns to go down on their knees before the new bishop, renewing their allegiance, a commitment to unity of the church, and in oneness, to help propel the diocese to a new level of spiritual and social development.
Peter Cardinal Kodwo Appiah Turkson, President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, and principal consecrator, performed the rites of ordination. Cardinal Turkson also presented the investiture with ring, mitre, and pastoral staff to the new bishop, as he laid his hands upon the head in silence, followed by all other bishops present.
Homilist, Most Rev. Peter Akwasi Sarpong, Archbishop Emeritus of Kumasi, told the congregation: “Reject hedonism, nepotism, corruption, greed, untruth, and demand functional leadership from leaders to shape your humanity”.
“You have been subdued by the canker associated with leadership, reject this obstruction, and develop the spiritual acumen to change lives, not only for the church, but for the good of your country in the midst of decay and political manipulation”, he added.
Archbishop Sarpong reminiscent his association with the “spiritans”, the religious order which the new bishop belongs to, saying he has no doubt the Order’s penchant for education and social development will be replicated in the Sekondi-Takoradi diocese.
“I urge you all, people of God, to help the new bishop succeed. He is the perfect choice at the perfect time and chosen by God to offer leadership, leadership as exemplified by Jesus Christ, help him, work with him, to reconstruct your diocese, building on what his predecessors achieved”, he admonished.
Archbishop Sarpong said lack of trust, and basic demands from leadership has been truncated by sheer arrogance , and show of political power to the detriment of social change and development, “reject those who do not listen and respond to your welfare, reject selfish leaders, reject their ways, and position yourself to seek answers that can benefit all”.
He said changes around the world serve as a lesson, and it is imperative leadership is seen to be responsive, caring, loving, and frugal, rather than the exhibition of wealth to the disadvantage of the people.
“Reject their ways”, he emphasized, adding “as Jesus Christ demanded the impeccability of leadership, so must you demand the same”, Archbishop Emeritus Sarpong concluded.
Born on April 26, 1958, Bishop John Bonaventure Kwofie attended St. Theresa’s Minor Seminary, Amisano, the Spiritan Postulancy at John XXIII Seminary, Ebolowa, Cameroon. He is also credited with an expansive spiritual and educational background, and once served as the Superior of the Spiritans in West Africa. The new bishop is well acclaimed in the Ministry of leadership. Prior to his appointment, he was an assistant professor, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, United States. His episcopal ordination and installation fills the gap left by Bishop Martin Darko, who resigned on health grounds on December 14, 2011, and died on January 12, 2013.