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Religion of Tuesday, 25 June 2024


Residents affected by the Tema-Mpakadan Railway project storm the Railways Ministry over unpaid compensation

The picketers have threatened to sleep at the ministries until they receive their compensation The picketers have threatened to sleep at the ministries until they receive their compensation

Some residents of Mpakadan in the Asuogyaman District of the Eastern Region have demanded appropriate compensation after their buildings and other properties were demolished to pave the way for the Tema-Mpakadan Railway Project.

The affected residents have stormed the Ministry of Railways and will soon head to the Finance Ministry to demand the compensation due to them.

According to the leader of the group, David Noble Nartey, all efforts to have their compensation paid have proved futile.

He lamented that the Railways Ministry has consistently tossed them around and now told them it was the responsibility of the Finance Ministry to pay them.

Speaking with Kwabena Agyapong on Frontline on Rainbow Radio 87.5FM, he said, “The failure of the government through the Railway Development Authority to pay compensation for the destruction of their buildings and farms has negatively affected our livelihoods. We will continue to picket here until compensation is paid to the affected residents. We are going to sleep here. I will not leave here.”

According to him, he has only been paid GHC13,000 for a three-bedroom project he was constructing, which had reached window level.

He said the government failed to pay for their lands despite several demands from the Land Valuation Division of the Lands Commission.

“Our demand is that the government adhere to the agreed-upon mechanisms and compensate us for the use of our lands for building. Since 2017, we have not received our compensation. That is why we’re here,” he added.

He also alleged that some of those affected by the incident have passed away.

Some others who were with him also threatened to sleep at the two ministries should they refuse to pay them the compensation.

“We are here. We shall sleep here until our compensation is received. They confiscated our land for the project, yet they still refuse to pay us after all these years. Some have received as little as GHC 1,500 to GHC 5,000. We’ll be sleeping here today. They have lied to us for far too long, and we are not leaving without our money,” added another concerned individual.

This is not the first time residents have picketed at the ministry.

In 2022, the residents attempted a similar action due to delays in receiving their compensation.