Religion of Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Source: GNA

Reverend Minister asks government to acknowledge and honour God

Accra, March 1, GNA - Reverend Enoch Emmanuel Agbozo, Leader of the Ghana Evangelical Society (GES) on Tuesday called on the Church and government to know, acknowledge and honour God in all their activities. He said when this was done the nation would prosper and progress in th= e hands of the almighty God.

Rev Agbozo made the call at the Redemption Day Celebration, which is a special church service to celebrate the country's trust and hope in God i= n Accra. It was on the theme: 93Behold, the King of Glory Reigns." He said the destiny, prospects and glory of Ghana was not in the hands of government, more so when they seek to redefine, alter and establish the nation on lines other than that ordained, ordered and established by the God. "No efforts of spirits and men, governments and political parties, domestic and foreign powers could change what God has spoken and set in place concerning the nation," he added. He said authorities should bear in mind that 93Except the Lord builds the house, they labour in vain that build it, and except the Lord watches over the city, the watchman waketh in vain". Rev Agbozo noted that the church was required to play a significant priestly and prophetic role in the State while the government on the other hand must play the royal-princely role in the management of the affairs of the country.
