Religion of Tuesday, 20 February 2018


Social media awash with stories about the great rapture

Facebook is one of the largest social media in Ghana Facebook is one of the largest social media in Ghana

Social media is awash with stories about the great rapture with many claiming this is going to happen before April 28, this year.

There are those who strongly believe this is imminent and of course there are the skeptics.

The raging conversation – debate over whether the great event Jesus spoke of is imminent or would take place not anytime soon comes as the State of Israel readies for its 70th anniversary.

Some of the commentators appear convinced that Israel represents the fig tree that Christ referenced in His teachings.

They have therefore been counseling people to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior.

Such admonitions come under headlines like: “If you want to up in the great rapture! You can! Time is short! Do it now! Repent of all your sins to God!” There are also those encouraging people to get “Holy Spirit” water baptism at a Christian Church to seal their faith in Jesus Christ as the end time looms.

Others, however, describe talks about rapture occurring in the coming April as speculation.

“Much of the speculation about a 2018 Rapture will center on the seventieth anniversary of the creation of the state of Israel. You will likely hear some Bible prophecy “experts” teach that Israel represents the fig tree that Christ referenced in His teachings.”

They dismiss any idea that Christ taught that the generation that witnessed the creation of the state of Israel would be the last generation before His Coming. They instead insist that Christ taught that His Coming will be imminent when the heavenly signs and signs on the earth He described occur.

They go on to say that the “Parable of the Fig Tree” is simply an analogy to help people understand how certain developments can alert someone about the proximity of an upcoming event.

They therefore do not believe the “Parable of the Fig Tree” is a teaching that supports a 2018 Rapture date.