Religion of Sunday, 11 January 2009

Source: Awuah, John Chap

The God of Ghana Has Delivered Us

The December, 2008 elections (both the general and the run-off) would go into the indelible annals of Ghanaian life story. The heat of events characterizing the campaigns for the elections and the announcement of the final results could be described with paroxysm.

If you witnessed some gangs of youths of both the NDC and the NPP wielding sticks, stones and other offensive objects at certain places including the Electoral Commission office, you will agree with me that God has been kind to us. Some foreign media and commentators even commented that at a point they thought Ghana was at the brink of burning.

The role of the church In the event of the elections, most churches including the orthodox, evangelicals, Pentecostals, charismatic, Muslims among others, prayed earnestly, constantly and with much importunity to the Almighty God. God responded to the All-night prayer sessions, days of fasting and groaning and therefore rebuked the satanic prince of Ghana who had planned to throw us into confusion, violence and mayhem. In addition to all these, the preaching and teaching of biblical concepts of love, peace, unity and non-violence on the TV/FM stations also had a lot of physiological and psychological impact on the people.

The Ignorant Political Science Professor A university professor, (name withheld) who was Adom FM’s guest speaker on phone on Monday (5th January) morning, made a sarcastic comment. He said, “Tell the churches to shut up … they are causing confusion and unnecessary panic with their prayers”. This is most unfortunate especially coming from a respected university professor straying tangentially to what he knows nothing about. He should know that his professorship ends with the body politics of Ghana and in the lecture room. The coordinated rudiments of what constitutes a peaceful election are beside his academic pomposity. By making such an unguarded pronouncement, to the effect that the contributions of religious prayers are nonsensical, this so-called respected university don has displayed a high sense of ignorance (to be mild with him). Life does not consist of a one-sided political science study –it goes beyond that.

All concerned bodies played their respective roles appreciably well for us to have peaceful elections. To this, we say a big BRAVO to everybody but especially to the Electoral Commission of Ghana, The Media, The Security Forces, Civil Institutions, The Government, The NDC, The NPP, various Religious bodies and more importantly the Almighty God who coordinated everything to our advantage.

Children of God let’s always lift up holy hands unto our God, for in the peace of Ghana will we also enjoy peace.


John Chap Awuah