Religion of Saturday, 2 February 2013

Source: GNA

We must understand each other and live in peace - Pastor Kumuyi

Pastor W.F Kumuyi, General Superintendent of the Deeper Christian Life Ministries (DCLM) has called on Christians and people who belong to other religions worldwide to understand each other and live peacefully together.

He said there was general insecurity in the world, resulting in attacks on some sections of society by other sections, adding that it was by living in peace that each individual could contribute to the development of their communities.

Pastor Kumuyi said this when addressing the media at the Kotoka International Airport on Friday night, when he arrived in Accra to attend a two-day Revival and miracle service being organized by the DCLM.

Pastor Kumuyi, a Nigerian, said the church was coping very well after one of its branches in Nigeria was attacked by terrorists, killing some of them.

“By the grace of God the church is coping very well and praying. Indeed the church has grown stronger after the attack and victims of the attack are being catered for whiles the government is doing its best to ensure that such attacks are prevented” he stated.

The two-day service takes off today, Feb 02 to Sunday February 03, at the Camp grounds of the DCLM in Brofo Yedru-Kumasi and this would include the northern sector of the church, including the Ashanti, Northern, Upper East, Upper West and Brong Ahafo regions and would involve about 50,000 people.

A second one for the southern sector is scheduled to be held in March 2013.

Pastor Kumuyi, who arrived with his wife, Mrs Esther Kumuyi, said participants at the service should expect to feel a manifestation of the love of God and also expect God to exceed their expectations.

“Unlike we human beings who say ‘I love you’ even when we are powerless to help, when God loves us, he does something definite, he meets our needs” he said.

He was met on arrival by Pastor John Borham, National Overseer of DCLM, Ghana and other members of the church in Ghana.
