Rumor Mill of Friday, 3 November 2006

Source: Palaver

The Kufuors In Government - A Property-Grabbing Family

Ghanaians should be worried about the greed and property-acquisition spree embarked upon by the Kufuor family since John Agyekum Kufuor became the President of the Republic of Ghana.

The President J.A. Kufuor himself has acquired the one-storey house in between his HIPC Junction house and Hotel Kufuor. The house used to belong to a Lebanese lady and the President paid US$400,000.00 for it.

In addition to this property, he made his son front for him in the acquisition of the controversial “Hotel Kufuor”, which is presently valued at over US$8 million. Till his father came to power, this “chief Kuffour” as he is sometimes called, was like any ordinary struggling Ghanaian accountant.

Kwame Addo Kufuor, the President’s brother and Minister of Defence, had the road leading to his East Legon house tarred for him by the Ghanaian tax payer as soon as the NPP came into power. Three months later, he sold that house which had appreciated in value due to the asphalting and bought a plush residential complex located at East Cantonments. That house is currently valued at US$1.1million.

Mr. Edward A. Kufuor, alleged son of the President has purchased Property No. 8643 Bill Street, New Orleans, LA 70127, USA valued at about US$2.5 million. It is believed that this so-called son is fronting again for another high-profile member of the family

Nana Ama Kufuor, daughter of President Kufuor whose pineapple exporting business collapsed under his father’s “Golden Age of Business” in a typical “Kuffour acquisition spree” has also bought a magnificent house opposite the Kumasi Golf Course formerly belonging to Kiku. The house is valued conservatively at US$500.000.

I promise to bring you more information and the modus operandi on the looting, greed and theft being perpetrated on Ghanaians by the family who could not afford the renovation cost for one of their kind who had been elected the president and needed a descent house befitting his status.