Soccer News of Wednesday, 30 October 2002

Source: gna

Aggrey Memorial School wins inter-schools soccer

Aggrey Memorial Zion Secondary School, run away with a hard won 1-0 victory over Edinaman Secondary School in their (zone one) inter schools and colleges soccer competition played at the Cape Coast sports stadium on Monday.

Even though Edinaman lost, they were not disgraced as they matched their opponents squarely and never gave them a breathing space to dominate the game. However, in the 35th minute following persistent pressure on Edinaman, inside left, Moses Gyimah, capitalized on a defensive blunder to score what turned out to be the match winner in the 36th minute.

On resumption, both sides played a determined game but there were no further scores. In the volleyball match (girls) Mfantseman beat Edinaman 2-0 while Ghana National College, whipped Aggrey Memorial Zion School 2-0 to qualify for the finals.