Sports News of Tuesday, 26 May 2020

Source: Isaac Ganyo Tamakloe /Contributor

GFA should cancel 2019/2020 GPL - JE Sarpong

Former Aduana Stars coach, J. E Sarpong Former Aduana Stars coach, J. E Sarpong

Former Aduana Stars coach, J. E Sarpong has backed the cancellation of the league due to the unpredictability of the coronavirus.

The Ghana Premier League paused about two months ago after Ghana recorded some of the COVID-19 cases.

The continuation of the league is being discussed always but there is no decision yet.

The Ghana coach who was speaking to Adeiso-based Tru FM implored on the FA to truncate the league and start it again if the COVID-19 is over.

"I think as at this point let's truncate the league. We stop playing for about one and half year during Anas exposé. So why can't we stop? So let's wait.

"There's time for everything. God knows the best. Let's wait and follow the protocols from the government. We will enjoy again at the end of the Virus."He concluded.