Soccer News of Monday, 7 February 2005

Source: GNA

NSC cautions GHALCA and Kotoko

Accra, Feb. 7, GNA - The Board of Directors of the National Sports Council has cautioned the Ghana League Clubs Association (GHALCA) and Kumasi Asante Kotoko Football Club about the implications of their actions to football development in the country.

It has therefore appealed to the two bodies to soften their stance and allow understanding to prevail.

In a Press Release signed by Mr Hamah Hamid Issakah, Public Relations Officer of the NSC copied to the GNA Sports, it said, "While we appreciate the various reasons assigned in the decisions of the two bodies with regards to the aborted GHALCA- Coca Cola Top 4 football match by Kotoko, we wish to caution the implications of the two parties in football development in the country".

Mr Issakah said the Board is therefore expressing its concern and regrets at the current impasse between GHALCA and Kotoko and has urged the two bodies to allow peace and understanding to prevail. He said the Board will hold a meeting with GHALCA and Kotoko to try to resolve the issue and has therefore appealed to the two parties to hold their fire while avenues are explored to try to resolve the impasse.
