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Canada NDC celebrates Prof Naana Opoku-Agyemang as its beacon of hope

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  • Mavis Tekpeki 6 months ago

    Every Ghanaian should be proud for such a tremendous milestone in diversity and equally characteristics. JM is indeed the next Nkrumah fir Ghanaians.

  • Sam 6 months ago

    Fake group called Canada ndc.

  • Kwadwo Oduro 6 months ago

    Congratulations NDC for setting standards

  • Sam 6 months ago


  • LM 6 months ago

    Beautiful!!!!EDI at its best; a win for Ghana!

  • COMRADE KOJO ARTHUR 6 months ago

    Canada NDC Chapter!
    Eye Zu Eye za
    Forward Ever, Backwards Never.

  • Sam 6 months ago

    Beware! There is no such group called Canada NDC. Our party in canada is called NDC CANADA . Not Canada Ndc
    Beware so you don't fall victim to the tricks of con men. Ghanaweb, take note and avoid publishing any story emanat ...
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  • Sam 6 months ago

    The article doesn't have an author... this is fake. Canada ndc is fake

    Ndc canada is the accredited organisation.