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General News of Wednesday, 29 May 2019


Akufo-Addo has neglected Mamponteng after 2016 polls - Chief wails

Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II

The chief of Mamponteng in the Kwabre East Municipality of the Ashanti Region, Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II has openly expressed outrage towards the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) and President Nana Akufo Addo for neglecting his people in the nearly three years that they have been in office.

He says he is incensed by the fact that the government has failed to pay attention to his people after obtaining the highest number of votes from the Kwabre East Constituency in the 2016 elections.

“We always pride ourselves that we gave this government the highest votes, but we have nothing to show for it; the NDC did something small for us by starting the construction of a market, so we expected our own NPP to do much better, but we haven’t seen anything”, he has said.

The chief was speaking at a durbar at his palace on Tuesday, when he had summoned the Member of Parliament, Hon. Francisca Oteng Mensah, the Municipal Chief Executive, Nana Osei Asibey Bonsu and the leadership of the NPP in the Kwabre East Constituency to appear before the people and answer for why the needed development has not been forthcoming.

“Today is a great day of anger; I know my people are very angry with this government because they feel betrayed”, the respected chief said, but however called for calm.

Barimah Saasi Ayeboafo said it has reached a point where he would have to be led by the MP and the MCE go to the President to demand for development for his town.

“President Nana Addo passes here all the time, but there has not been a single day that he has stopped by to say hi to us, but we gave him the highest number of votes”, he noted.

The chief, who wore a troubled countenance said, “the President must know that even if we gave him only one vote, it must have been helpful in giving him the power so he must pay some attention to us”.

“I’m not blaming the MP or the MCE”, but the government must know that Mamponteng as municipal capital deserves some facelift.

“Apart from the highway that passes through the town to Mampong, not a metre of our town roads have been tarred; the abandonment of the market project which was began by the NDC is also a great source of worry to us”, he lamented.

The Member of Parliament, Hon. Francisca Oteng Mensah however assured that the government of the NPP and Nana Akufo Addo would do its best to bring development to the area before the expiration of its first term.

She said town roads and the market project remain a priority, taking advantage to outline some of the major projects and initiatives being undertaken by the government to better the lot of the people of Kwabre East.

President Nana Akufo Addo obtained a record 71,000 votes from the Kwabre East Constituency alone in the 2016 elections, but the people say, they are yet to benefit from his government in terms of physical infrastructure.

Also READ: We’ll uproot you like cassava in 2020- Angry residents tell ‘disrespectful’ NPP MP He lamented the poor state of the Mamponteng Town Roads and the market.