General News of Monday, 8 November 2004

Source: --

'Coup plotters' await fate

...No names or other details yet ....
The fate of the seven arrested ?coup plotters?, held since Saturday, is expected to be decided today.

The suspected plotters are being held in custody while investigations continued but would either have to go to court later today or be freed under Ghanaian law, which allows suspects to be held for 48 hours

Officials said the alleged coup plotters' plans involved acts of "destabilization and sabotage" in the run-up to December's presidential poll.

According to the investigating officer, a number of weapons including military body armour and helmets, one firearm and 18 rounds of ammunition was found.

The authorities have dismissed allegations that serving members of the army were involved. However, no names or other details of those arrested have yet been revealed.

"I want to emphasise that what we've uncovered had nothing to do with the armed forces. The group we arrested on Saturday consists of civilians and ex-soldiers," Asante-Apeatu, head of the police criminal investigations department, said.

"There were no ex-officers," he said.

Government sources have so far not released any official information.

Both the Defense and Interior Ministers have referred media enquiries to the Police saying "things are still at the operation level as such they would not comment.

Deputy minister for information, Asamoah-Boateng, would neither confirm nor deny the alleged plot when questioned on Metro TV this morning.

However, the Police have assured the public that they are in control of the situation and have avowed to foil similar acts in the future.

Some members of the opposition NDC have already expressed skepticism about the plot.

"They [Government] are playing the '[Osama] Bin Laden Card' - simply trying to scare the people. Remember they once tried to fabricate a coup" said a member of the opposition NDC, who wanted to remain anonymous

?Karl Rove [President Bush?s campaign manager] will be proud of Kufuor?s campaign team,? said another member of an opposition party in a telephone interview. When pressed to elaborate he said ?Go Figure?

Meanwhile, Accra is calm this morning, with no military presence and most people are going about their normal day to day business.

?We don?t want any coups,? said a taxi driver. ?We are tired of these buga buga [soldiers] boys?

?I have not heard about the coup plot, but if it is true, then send them to Teshie-Nungua [Firing range] one time? said an of duty policeman.

"If you don?t like the government, then vote them out in December. We want peace,? said a lady working at a government institution.

"Coup or no coup, my daily struggle for survival continues. Leave me in peace," said a car mechanic