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General News of Wednesday, 22 July 2020


EC registers 9.8 million voters in 20 days

Jean Mensa, EC Chairperson Jean Mensa, EC Chairperson

The biometric data of some 9,886,768 applicants have been captured by the Electoral Commission (EC) in the first twenty days of the ongoing voters registration exercise.

According to the Electoral Commission, the registration exercise has, as at Monday July 20, 2020, registered 65.7% of the projected registerable figure of 15 million ahead of the 2020 December 2020 polls.

Providing further clarity on the numbers at a press briefing on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 in Accra, Deputy Chairman of Operations at the EC, Samuel Tettey said; “At the end of the third phase, 8,246,140 applicants have registered representing almost 55% of the Commission’s national projected registerable figure of 15 million and as of July 2020, 2020 a total of 9,886,768 applicants have been registered representing 65.7% of the projected registerable figure of 15 million.”

Mr. Tettey attributed the increase in the figures for the third phase of the exercise as a result of the deployment of more BVR kits to registration centres along with mobile van teams and back-ups.

Chairperson of the Commission, Jean Mensa on her part, condemned acts of violence at some registration centres which have marred the exercise in some parts of the country.

The compilation of a new voters register by the Electoral Commission (EC) commenced on June 30, 2020 across all the districts in the country.

The exercise, which is expected to last for 38 days, is projected to capture the biometric data of about 15 million Ghanaians eligible to vote ahead of the 2020 December 7 general elections.