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General News of Thursday, 24 January 2019


Ghana's not fenced; feel free to leave if you think it’s not safe - Abronye DC

First Vice Chairperson of the NPP, Kwame Baffoe alias Abronye DC First Vice Chairperson of the NPP, Kwame Baffoe alias Abronye DC

“Ghana is not fenced so if anyone thinks Ghana is not safe, the borders aren’t closed neither is the airport out of bounds”, these were the exact quotes of Deputy Brong Ahafo Regional first Vice Chairperson of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Kwame Baffoe alias Abronye DC.

His comments were in response an upsurge of murder cases in recent times with sections of Ghanaians indicating that there is insecurity in the country the need for the police administration and sister security agencies to up their game.

Abronye DC who believes the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) is fanning this crusade to make the government unpopular questioning why they refused to admit there was insecurity in the country when prominent persons were murdered in cold blood.

He mentioned that of the Nkwanta South DCE , Peter Kojo Kenyenso who was shot, the killing of the Paramount chief of Nanumba Traditional area, Naa Dasana Andani, the murder of the chief of Joma, Nii Ayitey Noryatse, the killing of the chief of Sota, Nene Teiko Kpetutu, the murder of the chief of Chinto, Nana Okotoako Kofi Mankata, the killing of the chief of Oblogo, Nii Kwaku Obibinii, the Murder of a Gonja Chief, Abdul Aziz, the murder of the chief of Salinkuga, Naa Sumani Tigu, the killing of the chief of Garezegu, Yakubu Andani and the murder of the chief of Seikwa, Nana Kwaku Ankoana as a few of the murders that took place between 2013 and 2016 under the watch of the NDC.

‘’It is rather unfortunate that the NDC has in recent times because of their desperate quest for power has decided to capitalise and use any issue of national interest to score cheap political points to the extent of capitalizing on the death of a journalist whilst his family and followers are still in a state of mourning. It is pathetic and sad that the NDC, claims that the country under president Akuffo Addo is unsafe, unsecured and on a verge of security collapse because of the murder of Ahmed Huesein Suale by unknown assailants’

Backing his claims with figures, he revealed that some 525 murder cases were recorded in 2015, 543 in 2013 and 551 in 2014 all under the watch of the previous administration but none claimed there was insecurity in the country wondering why they are now shouting same under the present circumstances.