General News of Friday, 30 March 2018


Koku Anyidoho has not been charged – Lawyer

Victor Kojogah Adawudu speaking to the media after Koku Anyidoho was granted bail play videoVictor Kojogah Adawudu speaking to the media after Koku Anyidoho was granted bail

Contrary to reports that Koku Anyidoho had been charged with treason, lawyer for the embattled Deputy General Secretary of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), says his client is yet to be charged for any offence.

Speaking to the media after Mr. Anyidoho had been granted bail, Victor Kojogah Adawudu said his client can only be charged after investigations have been completed.

“He has not been charged for any offence. The Police only cautioned and investigated him for an offence of treason. He can only be charged after they finish investigations and they get evidence which will support any charge,” he said.

Mr. Anyidoho was picked up at the International Press Centre on Tuesday for making comments deemed treasonable.

While commenting on the ratification of the controversial defence cooperation agreement between Ghana and the US, Anyidoho stated that President Akufo-Addo will be overthrown just like his father was in 1972.

“On January 13, 1972, a certain Col. Ignatius Kutu Acheampong led a movement that removed the Progress Party from power. Busia was the Prime Minister and Akufo-Addo’s father was a ceremonial president. Somebody should tell Nana Akufo-Addo that history has a very interesting way of repeating itself. There’ll be a civil revolt,” he said on Happy FM.

Anyidoho spent almost 48 hours in the custody of the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) amidst protests and demands for his release by NDC members.

He was finally granted bail, Thursday, and is expected to reappear before the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) for interrogation on Tuesday, April 3.

Explaining why Anyidoho’s bail delayed, Mr. Adawudu who earlier suspected that the influence of some ‘external forces’ was responsible for the refusal to grant his client bail said the state wanted “prominent citizens” to act as sureties.

“I think that is what delayed the whole thing. We were negotiating to see the terms. Koku Anyidoho is not someone who can run away. The sureties, they wanted some prominent citizens who know that any day, any time they want Koku, Koku will make himself available. I believe we all know Koku’s father, the work he’s done for this nation. He stood surety,” the legal brain noted.