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General News of Friday, 12 June 2020


NPP women’s group slams pastor, NDC over attacks on EC boss

EC Chairperson Jean Adukwei Mensa EC Chairperson Jean Adukwei Mensa

A group of New Patriotic Party (NPP) women communicators in the UK has slammed Pastor Kwabena Agyei for threatening the Electoral Commissioner Mrs. Jean Mensa over the decision by the Electoral Commission (EC) to compile a new register.

The communicators say they do not regard the pastor as a man of God because his comments were reckless and irresponsible.

To them, the EC chair works with a team at the EC hence cannot be dragged in the mud and insulted for decisions taken by the electoral body.

Spokesperson and organizer for the women’s group, Madam Shelly Kyei said the attacks on the EC and its chair is unfortunate and should be condemned by all.

She also slammed the NDC over their constant attack on the EC chair.

The current register she explained is no0t credible for it to be used to organise a credible election.

She asked them to focus on their case at the Supreme Court and stop attacking the EC unnecessarily.