Entertainment of Friday, 4 September 2020

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

Nostalgia as social media reminisces early memories with #childhoodmemories trend

Some games people recounted on social media Some games people recounted on social media

People born in recent years described as the ‘computer age’ may have little or no idea as to how the older generation found ways to evoke and sustain happiness in their early days, without technology tools.

For many older social media users, this week was mainly dedicated to reminisce and celebrate the very first encounters with technology and also bring to light some of the old ways they used to have fun.

It was indeed a nostalgic feeling for many, who maintained that ‘those days’ were filled with the purest forms of happiness and free spirit.

From bathing in the rain to transforming small spaces into kitchens, not forgetting the game called ‘mama ne dada’ and ‘pilolo’, GhanaWeb brings its readers some interesting posts from some social media users as they revisited the old times.

“Adulthood is indeed a scam.”
