General News of Friday, 10 November 2017


School Feeding coordinators trade insults over Naabu and Otiko

Bugri Naabu and Otiko Djaba Bugri Naabu and Otiko Djaba

Two Regional Coordinators of the Ghana School Feeding programme traded insults in a heated argument Thursday over the confusion that has gripped the programme in the Northern region, as discord between Madam Otiko Djaba and Bugri Naabu escalates.

Ultimate News has intercepted several voice clips of verbal exchanges between Madam Aku Sika Nkansah, the coordinator for Volta Region and Felicia Tetteh, Northern region coordinator, which was triggered by insults on the Northern region chairman of the NPP, Bugri Naabu.

Madam Aku was heard loudly raging against Bugri Naabu, tearing him down by calling him unprintable names in a series of voice recordings on a platform for all the ten coordinators of the programme.

The episode was sparked by a press conference organized by a group of purported zonal coordinators accusing the Northern regional chairman of being behind the chaos in the Northern region and asking him to stay off matters of the programme in the region.

In one of the voices, Madam Aku Nkansah blamed the chairman for all the challenges the programme currently faced in the Northern region. She called Bugri a “senile” and said she should be allowed to deal with Bugri Naabu in a way that would surprise President Akufo- Addo himself.

“I beg of you, someone must send me Bugri Naabu personal number so I can call him to order and tell him where his weight can be – not on Otiko Djaba. Someone should allow us to go and tell Nana what we feel about Bugri Naabu. Bugri Naabu has touched fire. I will deal with him if no one does,” she said.

She went on with her unrestrained tirade and attempted to robe in her colleague in the Northern region, suggesting Madam Felicia was plotting with Bugri Naabu to destroy Otiko Djaba.

“If Bugri Naabu wants to get dirty, he should go to that Felicia”.

This attack on the Northern regional coordinator courted her dramatic response, who also went berserk firing back and calling Madam Aku Sika names.

“If there is an issue, as grown as you are, you don’t come in with more insults. You don’t take sides, we look for a way to create peace. I’m so highly disappointed in you,”

In what began as a protest by unsatisfied party supporters, the chaos in the School Feeding programme in the Northern region has become full-blown.

A league of youth and women groups have been protesting the appointment of zonal coordinators in the region. They blame Madam Otiko Djaba, the Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister of choosing only her tribal cronies as the coordinators.

An attempt by the National leadership of the programme to broker peace exacerbated the situation and presidential mediators who came in from the seat of government also couldn’t mend the cracks.