Accra, Aug. 5, GNA - Government on Tuesday said that there was no threat to the peace and stability of the country due to the commitment of the Armed Forces and the Police to constitutional rule.
"The security agencies have assured the government and the public that there is at present, no threat to the stability of the country."
A statement issued in Accra and signed by Nana Akomea, Minister of Information, said that the security agencies would ensure that the present peace and tranquillity, which the nation has been enjoying, were sustained.
There have been some media reports of an attempted coup d etat, which also mentioned that a number of people were arrested and later released.
The statement said security agencies conducting routine investigations into matters relating to state security interviewed three serving military officers, a retired soldier and a civilian, who were later allowed to go home after the interview.
The government has noted reports in the media about an attempted coup plot,but wishes to assure the public that there is no threat to the stability of the country.It has been disclosed that on Saturday, 2nd August, 2003, the Security Agencies, conducted routing investigations into matters relating to state security. In the course of the enquiries, three serving officers, a retired soldier and a civilian were interviewed. They were all allowed to go home after the interview.
The Security Agencies, have assured the Government and the public that, there is, at present, no threat to the stability of the country and that the continued commitment of the Armed Forces and the Police to constitutional rule will ensure that the peace and tranquility which the nation has enjoyed under the present administration are sustained.
Source: Ministry of Information 05/08/03