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General News of Monday, 22 May 2023


Unlike Fomena MP, I won't sit with NDC or NPP - Kumawu MP aspirant Kwaku Duah vows

Kwaku Duah Kwaku Duah

Kwaku Duah, a former District Chief Executive of Kumawu and independent candidate in the May 23 by-election in Kumawu has vowed to resist aligning himself to any side of the lawmaking chamber if he wins the seat.

As a former New Partriotic Party (NPP) member who broke away to contest as an independent in 2020 but lost to the late Philip Basoah, Kwaku Duah has rejected all overtures by the NPP to step down for the party's preferred candidate Ernest Anim.

In an interview with the media as reported by, the aspirant who is third on the ballot paper reiterated that he has rejected financial overtures to step down but that his belief in the youth is what spurs him on.

Asked about which caucus he will align with on issues if he wins, he said his caucus will be the national cause unlike the independent MP in the current parliament, MP for Fomena, who has chosen to work with the NPP, his mother party.

“Kwaku Duah in parliament, no matter where my seat is doesn’t matter to me. The issue at stake, the first question I’ll ask is, how is it going to benefit mother Ghana so that my Constituency can also benefit from it and that is how I’m going to cast my votes. So Kwaku Duah will look beyond colours and vote on issues”, he is quoted to have said.

Voters will choose a replacement for their Member of Parliament, Philip Atta Basoah, who died on 27th March this year while still serving his 3rd consecutive term.

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) is represented by Ernest Yaw Anim, whiles Kwasi Amankwaa is the NDC candidate. There are two independent candidates with the name Kwaku Duah also in the race.

Kumawu has been a beehive of political activity in the last week with big wigs from the NDC and NPP holding rallies in the constituency to canvass for votes for the vacant seat.

The EC has issued a notice that it is ready for the vote on Tuesday.

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