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I was not impersonated during E-Levy passage - Adwoa Safo breaks silence

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  • Kofi 6 months ago

    So what should we do. Gyimiiiiii. Your chin like bleached monkey

  • Game Changer 6 months ago

    This lady has no credibility left whatsoever. No wonder she's a sour loser after all. But let her remember the truth can play itself back to light.

  • Toronto 6 months ago

    And so whort???

  • Tony 6 months ago


  • COD 6 months ago

    Ei, Adwoa Safo!
    Your untruthfulness as a woman is becoming too much and sky high.
    You lied that you were a "brilliant but needy" student whilst you were a sitting Dishonorable Parliamentarian, Adwoa.
    Today, you are lying a ...
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  • Nana 6 months ago

    One day,the truth will certainly come out whether you were the one or politics made you a lair

  • Breaking the 8 6 months ago

    Then E levy is fake due to impersonated Adjwoa Safo.Parliament see the law you impremented as stealing from the masses

  • Twene 6 months ago

    A clear evidence of create, loot and share scheme during Nana Addo’s administration:

  • VILLAGE HEADMASTER 6 months ago

    Until when will Ghana politicians stop lying.u are a daughter of an osofo and u are telling this lie,one day one day monkey go go market and he no go return.My plea to the N.P.P is take her back as a prodical daughter. She f ...
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  • Mind Teller 6 months ago

    This is why you lost your seat...

  • KofSam 6 months ago

    Who ever claims the someone impersonated Adjoa Safo in parliament during the passage of the e - levy is a fool .
    The lady sat down in such a dignified building and if there was any doubt about her identity, she could have b ...
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  • Steves 6 months ago

    You are not truthful that is why you were not returned to parliament on Dome-Kwabenya ticket.

  • Liar-thon 6 months ago

    I think deception and lies in NPP are Sexually transmitted.

    There is no statute limitations on crime. One day one day

  • Akyem Nkraman 6 months ago

    Useless liar. You deserve to be jailed for aiding and abetting a crime. Shame on you. You were not the one. What is the benefit of accepting this criminal act as yours? You lost the little respect you had left. Just go awa ...
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  • Moses 6 months ago

    You see evil people behave since 2021 you now coming out to talk about this claiming you were not impersonated. Criminal act

  • YYY 6 months ago

    Errrrrr....This people can lie