Anti-LGBTQ Bill - Prison is for criminals and not for sinners - Center for Religion and Public Life tells government

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  • Assey 3 months ago

    Murder is a crime and a sin.

  • DotCom 3 months ago

    I believe gays shouldn’t be in prison for being gays. However, some groups and individuals have taken huge sums of money from abroad to campaign in Ghana to make homosexuality a core value of Ghanaians. This is the action G ...
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  • P Djamgbe 3 months ago

    LGBTQ is part of Ghanaian culture and values.

  • P Djamgbe 3 months ago

    LGBTQ is not part of the Ghanaian culture. I should learn to take my personal sexuality from the public domain. This is a platform for discussion of mainly political issues. LGBTQ campaign in Ghana must stop.

  • Xerothecat 3 months ago

    Yes, exactly, anyone who presumes otherwise is ignorant of history and the facts and is only espousing their personal bias

  • Guv'ner 3 months ago

    Just when one madness is being cured another surfaces. No ko fio from "whitemen" really kills brain cells. When a law is passed, breaking it becomes a criminal offence, plus crimes on our books today were taken from the Bible ...
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    So, our ancestors knew nothing about CRIME UNTIL THE ARRIVAL OF OUR SLAVE MASTER ( whiteman ) WITH THE BIBLE IN THE, abi...?

    For your kind information, some rural areas in Ghana still punish people based on culture an ...
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  • Edward Amanor 3 months ago

    The church, taught about sin , the state taught about crime. Jesus was crucified because he was judged by the state. The state has jurisdiction over "sin" and crime. In the bible both sin and crime are punishable. God punishe ...
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  • Inama 3 months ago

    If you sin you commit a crime, and if you commit a crime you sin. The two are inseparable.
    You got to be serious. I don't get it why and how some contemporary people and society glory and gratify in the highest order what ...
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  • ROGUE LAWYER 3 months ago

    a person who has killed somebody - is a sinner before God, in the same way that a person who has stolen somebody goat is a sinner before God- both are sinners before God.
    why then don't the state leave them alone because ...
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  • Shit hole 3 months ago

    And what do refer to criminal

  • Kofi B 3 months ago

    And crimes are not sins right? Warped reasoning

  • OSAFO KANTANKA 3 months ago

    What’s the difference between sins ( The Ten Commandments ) and crimes? Thou shall not Kill as in the Commandments should not be classified as a crime against humanity is that what you are saying? Sins against God is com ...
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  • Funny World 3 months ago

    The constitution of every country is the commandments of that nation, so if you flout the laws and anyone who sins against it must be jailed. If a whole man of God can defend LGBT+Q then I don't know where the world is headin ...
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  • Osofo Ampeh 3 months ago

    The LGBTQ+ people don’t even believe that they are sinners so what is the Osofo saying? These are atheists who live by their flesh alone. This disgusting behavior has the potential of wiping out the human race from the surf ...
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    Our brainwashed ...
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  • Sam Fante warrior. 3 months ago

    If the prison is for only criminals then why you lock up those who smoke Marijuana and those who sell it ? Did they stole something from or from the government ?

  • Nobody 3 months ago

    Is criminology not sin? They hide under the cloak of religion, but they are worse than you can imagine.

  • Citizen 3 months ago

    This man might be a homosexual himself. Ghanaians should be careful with him.

  • Dominic Biko 3 months ago

    What is the difference between sinners and criminals? They don't understand the meaning of these words. Every criminal becomes a sinner. If you rape, steal, rob, sleep with people wives, uncanal sex, lbqt++++---- are all cr ...
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  • The Nation Called Ghana... 3 months ago

    All these people are still calling themselves Rev., Pastor.
    Armed robbers are also sinners
    Pedophiles are also sinners
    Killers are also sinners
    Traffic offenders are also sinners
    Thieves are also sinners
    Embezzlers ...
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  • Xerothecat 3 months ago

    Ghana is a sad, ignorant little country. It is insignificant on the world stage and really has nothing to offer.. .Most people are unducated, barely have an elemetary education and can barely read much less write a complete ...
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  • Sadiq 3 months ago

    Thievery is a sin also.

  • Gh for sale 3 months ago

    Please you are very wrong in Ghana innocent people are in there more than criminals.

  • Paa 3 months ago

    God is going to crash that man of Satan very soon.

  • Abdee 3 months ago

    Whatever you call your self we don't care. We will never accept LGBQ in Ghana, since we are all going to die one day just follow humans then your God. I doubt if you even believe in God