Sports News of Monday, 2 March 2020


GNPC blows GHC630,000 on GFA, Ghana Boxing Authority, Ghana Golf Association

Ghana Football Association Ghana Football Association

It has emerged that the Ghana Football Association, Ghana Boxing Association and Ghana Golf Association benefited from a spending spree undertaken by the Ghana National Petroleum Commission in 2018 and 2019.

GNPC documents chanced upon by GhanaWeb revealed that the board in 2018 and 2019 approved a total of GHC630,000 as donations to the aforementioned organizations.

The GFA were the biggest beneficiaries, bagging a whopping GHC500,0000 while the GBA and GGA pocketed GHC30,000 and GHC100,000 respectively.

In a memo written by the Board Secretary, Matilda Ohene and addressed to the Chief Executive of GNPC, Dr. K.K. Sarpong, with the caption “Approval for payment of various sponsorship/support requests”, the GFA, GBA and GGA were listed as beneficiaries of the donations/sponsorships of the GFA.

The memo which approved the payment of the GHC500, 000 is dated October 24, 2018, and happened a year after parliament warned GNPC to stop sponsoring the Black Stars.

It also came barely three months after the Anas expose which means at the time, Dr Kofi Amoah was the head of the association.