Sports News of Sunday, 10 November 2019


You better watch your back - Saanie Daara tells Kurt Okraku

Saanie Daara, Former Head of Communications for Ghana FA play videoSaanie Daara, Former Head of Communications for Ghana FA

A former head of communications for the Ghana FA, Ibrahim Sannie Daara has served Kurt Okraku some advice to guide him on his journey as president of Ghana Football Association (GFA).

He noted that this advice when adhered to will bring back the confidence or the lost trust in the football fraternity.

Responding to a question posed to him by GhanaWeb’s Daniel Oduro in an interview on Sports Check, as to the dos and don’ts Kurt must look out for? Mr Sannie Daara was of the view that the new president must watch his back carefully.

“First of all there is a song I like very much, it’s by 50 Cent ‘You Better Watch Your Back’. Honestly, in football it is politics. He must be politically astute,” Daara said.

Daara's advice is relevant since he was removed from office together with the former GFA executive after an undercover investigative piece by Anas Aremeyaw Anas titled, ‘Number 12’. In the video, Daara is seen in a controversial ethical violations scene when someone attempts to offer him cash and he refuses.

According to the former head of communications, Mr Okraku must above all unite the football family.

He added that before and after the elections, factions and disunity engulfed several individuals in the association. So, therefore, he must consider reaching out to people.

“He must manage expectations well. He must reach out to people. Firstly, he must unite the family, this election has been very fractious and even before it.

Nevertheless, the national teams must not be left out as well as setting up a council of elders that will help him solve disputes internally. Also, he needs to train the football family on issues of ethics, transparency, governance, etc. He needs it urgently, I will call for the implementation of the early warning system for our league (for people betting on matches on our premier leagues).

He also needs to look at the [senior] national team, the Black Stars. I will suggest that in a medium-term…..I think we must put in measures, we must look through the list and they must task the coach to put him a little bit under pressure, I’m not saying they should sack him," Sannie Daara added.

The GFA executive council was suspended and a Normalisation Committee put in place until recently.