Cellular /Mobile Network

The first cellular phone service in Ghana was initiated by Mobitel in 1992. In that year alone, 19,000 Ghanaians owned mobile phones. In 1998 the number of mobile phone users in the country increased to 43,000 and by the middle of 1999 the number increased to 68,000.

Four companies now compete for cellular customers, and usage rose from 22,000 to 132,000 subscribers between 1999 and 2000.
Networks: GSM-900 (digital), (E)TACS and AMPS.

Cellular Market Penetration (September 2003)

Analogue Subscribers Digital Subscribers Total Subscribers Population Penetration
50,400 651,600 702,000 20.26mil 33,46

Operator Network System On Air Pre-paid (10.2003) Total (10.2003)
Kasapa Telecom KASAPA AMPS June '95 34,000 34,000
Ghana Telecom C-Com GSM-900 Oct 2000 189,400 210,500
Millicom Mobitel
Jun '92
June '02
ScanCom Spacefon GSM-900 Nov '96 356,100 367,100
Total 593,400 702,000


  • Network: GSM
  • Started operating in October 1996. Covers most of the district cities. In addition their roaming service is working and they have agreement with around 45 countries and 55 operators.
    Scancom, which launched services in 1996, operates a nationwide mobile phone network using GSM technology. Under the brand name Spacefon, the company has become the leading mobile provider in Ghana, with coverage in all major cities, a 65 percent market share, and approximately 955,000 subscribers as of end-2004. They hope to increase capacity from nearly 1 million subscribers today to 2.7 million subscribers by end-2006, while population coverage is expected to increase from 50 percent today to 70 percent during the same period.
  • Website: spacefon.com


Kasapa Telecom

  • Network: AMPS
  • The company name changed from Celltel earlier in 2003
  • CDMA will be introduced, but no timetable has been announced.

Ghana Telecom
