Entertainment of Monday, 29 June 2020

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

‘Insults were just flowing in my DM’ – Naana Blu reacts to Eshun’s breakup with manager

Ghanaian female singer, Naana Blu in an interview with GhanaWebTV play videoGhanaian female singer, Naana Blu in an interview with GhanaWebTV

New artiste currently being managed by eShun’s former manager, Stephen Mensah, has recounted several instances where people trooped into her inbox to humiliate her.

According to Naana Blu, scores of individuals blamed for her current manager’s break up with Eshun, mainly because her Instagram account was changed to her name.

Speaking exclusively to www.ghanaweb.com, the singer said she does not in any way blame her critics for how they felt at that time.

“I wasn’t comfortable when the news came up because people were in my dm saying a lot of things. I received a lot of insults from a lot of people. I don’t blame anyone, it’s how they felt when they heard the news. It’s not anybody who will dig to find the other side of the story so I won’t blame anyone. It’s part of the game,” she stated.

Miss Blu who claims to have zero knowledge about her manager’s misunderstanding with Eshun also established that she tried to stop him from switching the Instagram accounts.

“I know nothing about what went on. Even though my manager discussed with me, I told him I don’t want it and he went on to do it. I didn’t even know he had done it till I saw the news circulating. I even had a back and forth with him over that,” he stated.


The former Manager of singer eShun changed her old Instagram account to his new signee, Naana Blu.

Prior to the change, he was posting Naana Blu’s content on the page after clearing eShun’s.

Stephen Mensah said he created Eshun’s social media pages and invested his money to grow the followers, thereby asking her to pay GH¢120,000 to retrieve her handles back.