Come on Mr Ablakwa. You are better than this. You should have delegated a Director of the Ministry to acknowledge this development.
Of course, Ghana, as a founding member, is obliged to work with the AU in its current com ... read full comment
Come on Mr Ablakwa. You are better than this. You should have delegated a Director of the Ministry to acknowledge this development.
Of course, Ghana, as a founding member, is obliged to work with the AU in its current comatose snd counterproductive state but, we cannot and should not be seen as making it seem as if the AU is a big deal. Reasonable and right-thinking Africans do not think much of the AU.
There is absolutely nothing that the three said Ghanaians who been elevated to take certain prestigious positions in the AU can do to reactivate that virtually dead organization. Perhsps the only benefit is that the three lucky Ghanaians will earn higher salaries. That's about it.
Efo Kofi 1 month ago
Baby with sharp teeth will never laugh without covering his teeth allow the teeth to get fresh air
Baby with sharp teeth will never laugh without covering his teeth allow the teeth to get fresh air
Kwaku. 1 month ago
Ablakwa. You are a good person. But learn early to separate the cart from the horses. Don't praise the horses pulling an empty cart. The African Union is empty like the ECOWAS.
Ablakwa. You are a good person. But learn early to separate the cart from the horses. Don't praise the horses pulling an empty cart. The African Union is empty like the ECOWAS.
Kwam 1 month ago
Keep doing good and working for country Ghana. Your detractors will be put to shame. I strongly believe your tenure as the foreign Minister will be one of the best in the history of mother Ghana.
God bless you my brother
Keep doing good and working for country Ghana. Your detractors will be put to shame. I strongly believe your tenure as the foreign Minister will be one of the best in the history of mother Ghana.
God bless you my brother
Tsotsoo 1 month ago
I hope they are not there on party lines but as GHANAIANS. Thank you.
I hope they are not there on party lines but as GHANAIANS. Thank you.
Truth 1 month ago
Look at the names
Look at the names
Not Possible 1 month ago
We thank God for NDC.
What a start of governance!
We thank God for NDC.
What a start of governance!
Truth 1 month ago
Busanga Ideas- paga 1 month ago
An what benefit will Ghana gain from this positions, the AU itself is a toothless organization the chairman of that au is not respected how much his messengers
An what benefit will Ghana gain from this positions, the AU itself is a toothless organization the chairman of that au is not respected how much his messengers
Congratulations to them
Come on Mr Ablakwa. You are better than this. You should have delegated a Director of the Ministry to acknowledge this development.
Of course, Ghana, as a founding member, is obliged to work with the AU in its current com ...
read full comment
Baby with sharp teeth will never laugh without covering his teeth allow the teeth to get fresh air
Ablakwa. You are a good person. But learn early to separate the cart from the horses. Don't praise the horses pulling an empty cart. The African Union is empty like the ECOWAS.
Keep doing good and working for country Ghana. Your detractors will be put to shame. I strongly believe your tenure as the foreign Minister will be one of the best in the history of mother Ghana.
God bless you my brother
I hope they are not there on party lines but as GHANAIANS. Thank you.
Look at the names
We thank God for NDC.
What a start of governance!
An what benefit will Ghana gain from this positions, the AU itself is a toothless organization the chairman of that au is not respected how much his messengers