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Entertainment of Monday, 19 December 2022


Celebrities are not demigods; we are also flesh and blood - Beverly Afaglo tells trolls

Ghanaian actress, Beverly Afaglo Ghanaian actress, Beverly Afaglo

Ghanaian actress Beverly Afaglo has reminded trolls that celebrities are also human beings.

In a Graphic Showbiz report, she mentioned that she'd like to know what goes through the minds of trolls when they write derogatory things about celebrities.

“Celebrities are not demigods. We are also flesh and blood, just as every other person, and the negative things people say to us, in the name of trolling, badly affect us. Some people say it comes with being a celebrity or it comes with the job so just as you enjoy the positive side, accept or live with the negatives too, but it’s not that easy because we are humans.

“Sometimes, I sincerely want to know why these people, who sit behind their computers or use their phones, feel when they insult or make derogatory remarks about others on social media,” he said.

Beverly claimed that she would be interested in seeing how her trolls would fare if the roles were reversed and they were put in her place.

She continued by saying that although she had grown to expect to be teased, she wouldn't take it well if her family were to be involved.

“I always say that should the tables turn and they find themselves in our shoes, will they be able to take what they throw at us? The times that we live in seem to be defined by celebrity abuse, directed at them via social media.

“There is just no escape from trolling and the worst part is that people today need no reason to peddle hate, especially at celebs. I have come to accept the happenings and I’m getting used to it. But what I won’t accept is when trolls drag my family into it,” she added.

Furthermore, she stated that she is constantly saddened when trolls draw her family into their cruel comments and that it has a psychological impact on them.

“It really hurts me when my family, siblings, children and husband are dragged into that kind of a mess. Yes, my husband is also a celebrity but when trolls feel they want to be on my case because of an issue that has happened, I would very much appreciate it if my family is left out.

“It is really psychologically draining to watch your family being subjected to public ridicule and insults just because you are a popular figure and people feel entitled to be part of your life. I’m the one in your face. So, do whatever you want to do with me just don’t attack my family, children and siblings,” she disclosed.