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Opinions of Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Columnist: Krow, henenana Obonti

An insightful write-up for NDC who saves the 'left'

By: Ohenenana Obonti Krow

A comrade and a medical officer friend of mine this morning engaged me on certain ideological issues and find it relevant sharing it with my platform members and all interested persons. But before I proceed, let me emphasize here that a political party is not a fixed and static system of uniform pattern imposed upon it from outside, but a living and growing organism of great complexity, in which we must always endeavor to preserve individual characteristics and customs or virtues and to adapt internal institutions progressively to meet modern conditions. If I am to find a motto for the whole, it could only be "Unity in Diversity"

In fighting back to capture back power we must be careful not to hang on extremism to rapture negotiations and positive discussions else, we only end up issuing a post-dated cheque on a bank that is obviously crashing.

I will only be exhibiting satanic tendencies if I mischievously hide my biases for Former President Mahama and my crave for him to lead the NDC but I will not be doing the party any good if I take entrenched position on matters concerning reorganization of the NDC. My focus should be how the party would purge itself of negatives that contributed to our defeat and how to build healing bridges to ensure smooth sail of the NDC ship.

I am not worthy to disclose President Mahama's decision as to whether he will contest. That notwithstanding, I know and President Mahama on NDC campaign platforms exhibited his might in terms of democratic virtues. He made it clear and exhibited same his readiness to adhere strictly to all the stipulated democratic norms during and after the elections and was prepared to hand over peacefully to his rival Nana should he lose the elections. He did exactly that and even surprised those of us who were monitoring the elections with him when he walked chest high with smiles to tell us we must first thank God for gracing Ghana with peace and courageously accept the verdict of the people. I am writing this to debunk utterances and expressions by some people that the former President wants to impose himself on the party for the 2020 elections. I don't even think the former President's focus now is on or, about who contest for the slot in 2020. Per his utterances and disposition, I see him more focused on the party's reorganization and how to calm nerves of all aggrieved persons and to reach out to the base. It wouldn't matter who leads the party if we are able to do what the former President suggested to party leadership.

Our behaviour in times like this can easily seal our fate in the next election. If we are to avoid repeat of history, then we must know and have it in mind that the party belongs to us, unnecessary feuds and blocks and unscientific projections and decisions will inflict terrible wounds. The hawks will pursue their course but the moderates should stay and fight their corner no matter the consequences.

Why do we support a political party or come together as a group to pursue a particular ideological inclination? We come together as likeminded political allies to win political power and implement those policies we deem divine and appropriate. It is not about someone being a statesman or being beyond reproach after all, Christ did not end his spiritual revolution with his death on the cross. He rose up the third day, physically appeared before his apostles doubting Thomas included and reminded them of the second phase of the spiritual revolution which culminated into the emergence of Apostle Paul. Try and be a Paul in the party's reorganization if you think you were neglected and may emerge the hero who will bring on board souls from Antioch to Corinth.

Personally I have resolved never to downplay suggestions emanating from party members however incomprehensible some may be. One must wholeheartedly accept mistakes committed, but at the same time, must be careful we don't allow emotions, hearsay, suspicions and mere hatred supersede dispassionate engagements. If President Mahama decides not to contest for 2020 (which I pray fervently against), it shouldn't stop me from offering same support I offered him anything contrary will only represent immaturity. The ultimate must always be the Party despite our personal affiliations.

What we must consider is that despite my disagreements with the 110 ministers and numerous appointments by the NPP, I also ponder over the trickling effect of the appointments. You may have issues with the appointments based on moral justifications issues but look also at the mischievous political effect and connection. In a country where illiteracy and vulnerability of citizens is somewhat high, you don't downplay such populist’s decisions. The current President has made clear "he is in a hurry" meaning, the NDC also must device tools to combat the pace and can only do that effectively if the party adopts a more scientific approach than mere fanaticism and blocks. The ultimate is winning political power.

Labour in Britain suffered electoral defeat because of unnecessary intra-party feuds and extreme stance example was the Benn-Healey leadership election nastiness culminating into horrible scene like the barracking of Dennis Healey by supporters of Tony Benn. The young ones in the party whose positive days was truncated by the defeat must strongly stand up against Hawks whose attitude creates impression of extremism, violence, hatred and division. I know President Mahama, if he decides to go for 2020, he will prefer being contested vigorously than going unopposed. It will in fact be in his interest to ensure that the space is offered to other persons to contest him and contest him fairly because, the result would help him know the state of his party, his popularity or otherwise, and how to tackle issues if endorsed or elected to lead the party. Those who out of anger, alliances etc., are conjecturing philosophies which contradict convictions of the former President are not being fair.

I also think about resources and that is one critical issue worth our attention. The party must be well resourced to contest this purely business oriented government of Nana Akuffo-Addo. President Mahama may not be rich as an individual but his years in leadership and the kind of excellent relationship he built with other leaders and achievers across the globe is one powerful card one cannot downplay. I don't think we are ready to pay huge party dues to support the course. If other's have same strength; so be it, and we pray they come on board with that strength.

One fact I must make clear is the West Africa connection and people should not downplay this point. Personally I see that as going to be the major problem going forward if not handled well. Ask Nana Addo and those close to him why his campaign got energized the last three months to elections, why it appeared resourced few months into the elections. Find out the relationship between Obasanjo and Ken and the part played by Obasanjo (The Chief of the West Africa Mafia Game), some governors in Nigeria and their link men in our elections. Ask them where the party that appeared depleted financially suddenly became well-resourced busing people to vote in constituencies to help them win seats.

I will not proceed for now but apart from all these points pointed out I also think we must do introspective diagnosis but for good reasons I will not delve into that to allow the committee finish its work.