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Opinions of Friday, 26 August 2016

Columnist: Dabbousi, Fadi

Lawlessness & crime: The shame of a scandalized nation

President John Mahama has scandalized the nation since the national error that saw this man of sufficient height display of mediocrity, gross disrespect to elders, ingratitude towards the persons that fed him as a young adult, diabolism, and evil of a more complex manner than the devil can be comfortable with.

I wished I'd never have to do this, but the truth must be said, and the President must be exposed.

I read a post on social media a couple of days ago that suggested that he must have returned to his indecorous ways, bonking his househelp and drinking excessively because these were the two things known about him that would strip a man off his ability to remain focused on issues. The post was justifiable, I dare say, because Mr President is gabbling like a toddler, high on too much breast milk and heavy in its underwear.

His recent improper utterances have warranted similar vitriol. After all, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Well, signing a petition to President Mahama to pardon the convicted criminals known as the Montie 3 was in itself an insult to the dignity of every civilised Ghanaian who dares uphold the rule of law.

Actually, the whole process of petitioning, Council of State recommendation, and subsequent remission was orchestrated and pulled off much like the choreography of a diamond stealing group of bandits who have practiced their moves over and over again to avoid costly mistakes.

So the criminals have been released to come back to the bosom of their gangster Godfather, but that was the stupidest thing any President could ever make, so said JJ Rawlings.

Asiedu Nketia insulted Ghanaians when he said, "those who are bitter about the release of the montie 3 can go and serve the remainder of their sentences." How foolish of a mosquito buzzing its way into opposition. But was he expected to be different from an incompetent comrade at the Presidency?

John Mahama is campaigning for re-election using the tax payers money with two military helicopters accompanying him in the North. The electorate he is trying hard to appeal to are not even curious to see those big birds as normally would happen in distant villages where the sight of a helicopter is a rare occurrence.

That is what prompted the bussing of supporters in Metro Mass Transit buses from towns and villages to gather and show love to him; fake love that is. And they had to be paid to do that, too.

John Mahama let his bowels flow when he claimed that the NPP lacked visionary leadership. Of course, we did not allow his smelly effusions to nauseate the nation, for we struck back with two appropriate rejoinders that exposed his emptiness.

Unfortunately for him, as an NDC friend of mine said, Plan A backfired so he switched to Plan B. This plan consists of several elements of flatulence. The president's prerogative is to insult the leadership of the NPP to satisfy the nagging need for relevance in spite of his emptiness.

President Mahama claimed that NPP is divided into two and that Nana is leading one faction into a ditch while the second looks on arms folded. After the crash they will pick the mangled bus, fix it at magazine and put it back on the road again.

Well, knowing that he was referring to Paul Afoko who lost his case at the court with a ruling that vindicated the NPP clearly, it has become obvious to sensible people that this is a party that adheres to law and order, and is in line with its constitution. Wasn't it John Mahama who orchestrated the attempted disintegration of the NPP by paying the sacked trio to implement hellish diabolism?

The NDC is more divided now than it had ever been. It is fragmented. It has the Ahwoi faction, the Rawlings faction, the John Mahama faction, and the sidelined Atta Mills faction that plays the role of the internal political prostitute. They are at each others' throats for trivial issues that clearly expose their wickedness and intent to run down the country.

Members of the Atta Mills faction have been retired to mere couch potatoes , while those of the Ahwoi faction have been distanced from actual power. Their key leader, Kwesi Ahwoi, was as sacked as Minister and later made Ambassador to South Africa. The internal wrangling within the NDC is no secret. This murderous party has lost members due to betrayal of trust.

The NDC has never known unity, at least from the moment Rawlings imposed Atta Mills on it. The only reason that Kokoon Anyidoho is shouting louder than a coyote is because the tribal bigot, John Mahama, has distanced him from the campaign team, unfairly, as he has done to many Voltarians. The divisiveness of the President has created a blight that is visible everywhere an NDC function takes place.

John Mahama and the NDC are the most useless two-in-one failures that Ghana is living the shame of. Their tribalism knows no bounds. They have no message to bring to the Ghanaian electorate having collapsed the economy, ripped apart society, infected the youth with immorality, and proliferated the drug menace. So there are no issues really to campaign on.

That is why they are resorting to divisive scare mongering and religious discrimination. By the way is it not a fact that the Muslim nominee of Atta Mills for the post of Vice-President was shot down by the racist, religious narcissists in the NDC hierarchy? Fellow Muslims wake up to the fact that the NDC does not have us at heart.