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Opinions of Friday, 26 April 2024

Columnist: Anthony Obeng Afrane

Mahama is like a pharisee, he sees far

A visionary leader is one who has the ability to visualise a prosperous future and articulate it in a compelling and unique manner.

In connection with far-sightedness in leadership, Leroy Eimes, an American pastor and author has this to say:

“A leader is one who sees more than others see, who sees farther than others see, and who sees before others do.”

This kind of foresight was what was brought to bear on the choice of a running mate by H.E. John Dramani Mahama and the excellent delivery of Prof. Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang during her outdooring event on April 24, 2024, as running mate.

President Mahama must have seen something many people did not see in the professor. It is believed that a presidential candidate can gain votes, or even win an election, based on their choice of a running mate—perhaps by increasing the ticket’s appeal to voters.

At the UPSA auditorium yesterday, Prof. Naana Opoku-Agyemang exhibited all the important elements of a good political speech: fantastic structure, terrific visual effects, effective humour, savvy punchlines and a call for action which have given hope to many and would have a lot of people talking for a long time.

Auntie Naana has no baggage or allegations that can destroy the 2024 campaign of the NDC and has what it is to help JDM fight graft based on her track record and integrity if he is voted for as the next president.

There are others: she has the ability to appeal to donor agencies and development partners and can significantly influence the perceptions and decisions of these entities.

Additionally, her expertise, credibility, track record, understanding of international dynamics and trustworthiness will win the confidence of people both locally and internationally.

These qualities of the revered professor would contribute significantly towards forming a balanced and effective leadership team of the next NDC government capable of addressing the challenges confronting us as a nation today and building the country we all want.