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Opinions of Monday, 10 April 2017

Columnist: Opoku, Razak Kojo

President Akufo-Addo has shown good leadership -CVM

President Akufo-Addo has shown good and exemplary leadership with the case involving the Delta Force.

As a Human Rights Activist he has openly condemned the conduct of the Delta Force against the Court.

The NPP and the Presidency deserves commendation for openly condemning the conduct of the Delta Force and subsequently instructing them to surrender to the Police and the Court for continuation of their Case.
We equally applaud the members of the Delta Force for surrendering themselves to the Police as a sign of respect to the instruction of the leadership of the Party and Presidency.

We have to emphasis that, the members of Delta Force never attacked any Judge verbally or physically. They ignorantly out of fear and frustration broke the law to freed their members from the Court.
We thank God, no Vigil has been held by the NPP to support the behaviour of the Delta Force or permit signing of Petitions to shield them from standing trial.

Unlike John Mahama who instructed his Deputy Minister Hon. Felix Ofosu Kwakye to open a Petition Book to freed the Montie 3.
The Montie 3 case against the Supreme Court Judges is worst than the Delta Force behaviour against the Circuit Court. But NDC held press conference, vigils, intercessory prayers and signed Petition to support the release of the Montie 3 who verbally abuse the Judges of the Highest Court of the Land.

President Akufo-Addo has given his full blessings to the Police and the Court to deal with the Delta Force Case. Unlike John Mahama who undermines the authority and verdict of the Supreme Court against the Montie 3.

With President Akufo-Addo Government, all ministers have condemned the behaviour of the Delta Force and Dissociate themselves from the conduct of the Delta Force. Unlike John Mahama Government whereby ministers, deputy ministers and NDC leadership held vigils, intercessory prayers and signed Petitioned Book to rubbish the decision of the Supreme Court against the Montie 3.

Rule of Law is indeed working accurately in President Akufo-Addo Government.


Razak Kojo Opoku

(Founder & President)