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Opinions of Monday, 20 May 2024

Columnist: James Acheampong

The rebirth of Ghana

Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen

Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen is a formidable candidate in Ghana’s presidential election scheduled for December 7, 2024, and what a candidate! Alan brings along an impressive set of credentials, which clearly give him a competitive edge. He is a towering figure in Ghanaian politics.

Alan was a founding member of the ruling National People’s Party (NPP) and served in both J.A. Kufour’s and Akufo Addo’s administrations.

Alan has made the greatest contribution to Ghana’s economic development since the inception of the Fourth Republic. Through his innovative President’s Special Initiatives (PSIs), he rescued Ghana from the IMF and created Ghana’s so-called Golden Age of Business under President Kufour’s government. This was characterised by a booming economy: low interest rates, a strong CEDI, and single-digit inflation figures.

Businessmen and women were being chased by banks to come for low-interest loans. Alan continued with his ONE DISTRICT, ONE FACTORY initiative, which brought industrialization to the doorstep of the average Ghanaian. Today, Ghana is an oil-producing nation, thanks to the monumental efforts of Alan Kyerematen. As Ghana’s Ambassador to the USA, he spearheaded negotiations with COSMOS of America. That company’s subsequent prospecting in Ghana led to the discovery of oil in commercial quantities. The rest is history. Alan’s other contributions to Ghana’s (and Africa’s) economies are too numerous for the limited space available here. Further research is recommended for the reader.

The model of development proposed by Alan Kyerematen is the surest way to move Ghana from poverty (beyond aid) to prosperity in the shortest possible time. Presently, Ghana’s dire economic situation demands a radical approach to recovery. Our high levels of debt are unsustainable. We’ve borrowed to the limit and thereby excluded ourselves from the international capital markets. Debt servicing alone swallows our national budget, leaving the Government nothing for development and strategic planning. We need somebody who can use effective micro- and macro-economic policies (not loans) to strategize our way out of our debt hole. That points to only one man:

Alan John Kwadwo Kyerematen:

Alan has rescued Ghana from the IMF before, as stated above, with his brilliant, widely acknowledged, and highly successful PSIs. Not only that. He went on to create the greatest project on the African continent, namely the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). A single market for the whole continent of Africa (54 countries) indeed! This is no mean feat. Even Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah could not achieve this continent-wide project. Moreover, Alan worked hard, lobbied skillfully, and managed to get AfCFTA’s headquarters established in Accra, Ghana!

This was indeed his crowning achievement! Alan surely deserves credit for this. Ghanaians simply need Alan as President now. We can thus get more out of him. It is imperative to have Alan at the helm (with executive power), spearheading the nation to take full advantage of his own creation (a single continental market) for the benefit of his native Ghana. He will surely be the greatest advocate of Ghanaian businesses in this market.

All-Inclusive Government:

Alan Kyerematen makes a compelling case for a GOVERNMENT OF NATIONAL UNITY. We can make the best use of the nation’s resources and talents only through an all-inclusive government. Presently, the divisive (winner-take-all) nature of Ghana’s politics adversely affects our development. We need a period of sustained, concerted effort in one direction: development. That development is captured in Alan Kyerematen’s GREAT TRANSFORMATIONAL PLAN (GTP).

This 15-pillar strategic blueprint is a comprehensive document that covers all aspects of a developing nation’s fastest socio-economic path to prosperity. This can surely transform Ghana. Let us all, GHANAIANS, give it a try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The people of Benin, two doors away, have stolen a march on us by electing their first independent candidate as president. The phenomenal developments taking place in that country now are a testament to the wise decision they have taken. We, as a nation, cannot afford to be left behind.

Let us remind ourselves that Ghana was once ahead of Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand, let alone Benin or any other African country for that matter, in socio-economic indices (development). Alan is our only hope to regain that position.

With Alan Kyerematen at the helm, achieving this is a real possibility. Alan’s track record and integrity give credence to his vision and pledges to the nation. Ghanaians can break free from poverty and achieve full employment and higher living standards. Ghana’s foreign exchange reserves will be greatly augmented, enabling us to attain middle-income status. We will be able to preserve and prudently manage our natural resources. Then Ghana will be on par with the aforementioned countries. Yes, Ghana can become a creditor nation! YES WE CAN!!!