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Opinions of Sunday, 7 February 2016

Columnist: Gyamfi, Nana K

Candidate Akufo-Addo is an experienced man

He has experienced life, he is now a "Teacher," and wants to give back!

He understands what it means to live the affluent lifestyle, studied abroad and has enjoyed the best of life.

He understands what it means to be a Nima boy.
Life has taught him a lesson. He is now a "Teacher" and wants to give back!

He is patient. Twice Ghanaians told him to wait for his time. Twice he accepted defeat amidst malpractices and conspicuous rigging. He placed his nation before all other things. He is very patient and love his nation. Life has taught him to wait and try again. He has experienced life, and now a "Teacher," he wants to give back!

As a young talented footballer, he played with the nation's finest and learned the essence of teamwork. He trained with his team daily and was there for his team whenever they needed him, so he understands what commitment and discipline means. He has experienced life, now a "Teacher," He want to give back!

He has a forgiving heart. He has been accused of wrongdoing he knew nothing of, called all the names in the book and never did he retaliate. Life has taught him that an eye for an eye will leave everyone blind. Experience indeed is the best teacher.

At age 72, Nana Addo has seen it, done it, and lived it. No incentive to steal, neither will he divert funds meant for railway sector, nor putting pictures on public buses. His name can be found in law journals and his pictures are everywhere. He needs no special attention, for he is busy and occupied thinking of the next generation.

At age 72, he understands what national cohesion and unity means. He sees no tribe. He is married to a lovely Ga lady. He lived and continue to live in Nima. He understands the slum life, ghetto life, and the city life. He is experienced from the number of years he has lived and continue to live. He is now a "Teacher" and wants to give back!

At age 72, candidate Akufo-Addo will not allow any shady deal just to get his cut and stash them in foreign account. He's lived abroad, studied abroad and still has bank accounts abroad. He has been there and done it. He just wants to give back what Ghana has done for him.

He lived through Nkrumah, Busia, Acheampong, Rawlings's regime, worked side by side with Kufuor, and has lived through Mills's and incompetent Mahama's time. He has seen it all and lived it. He knows what worked and what did not. He needs your mandate to correct our wrongs. He is the man for all. He has lived through it all. He is an experienced man, a lawyer, and a family man. Life lessons and experience has made him a teacher. He wants to give back what life has taught him. He wants to give back what Ghana has done for him. He wants to give back the wisdom God has bestowed on him through all these years.

Join Nana-Bawumia 2016 and let's give back to the country we cherish dearly!

Nana K Gyamfi,
NPP- NY Communications Team