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Religion of Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Source: GNA

Axim ready to welcome National Chief Iman back home

Feverish preparations are underway at Axim to welcome the National Chief Iman, Sheik Dr. Osman Nuhu Sharubutu back to Axim, his ancestral home on Thursday December 1, 2022.

The home-coming summit is expected to among other things, outdoor the National Chief Iman to Ghana and the rest of the world, that Axim and for that matter, Nzema, has such an illustrious son occupying the highest office as Spiritual Father of the Islamic religion in Ghana and a member of the National Peace Council.

An elated Madam Dorcas Elizabeth Amoah, the Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Nzema-East, told the media the National Chief Iman hails from Axim and noted that the home-coming summit was crucial to Axim and the entire Nzema area.

“Hence, the Municipal Assembly had taken keen interest in the programme to ensure a successful and eventful summit,” Madam Amoah said.

Madam Amoah said Axim had great sons and daughters such as George Grant popularly called Paa Grant, Gladys Casely Hayford, a literary writer, Archbishop Charles Palmer Buckle of the Roman Catholic Church, Church, a former Electoral Commissioner, Madam Charlotte Osei among other unsung heroes.

The MCE was happy that the home-coming summit come along with a lasting monument in honour of His Eminence, Sheik Dr.Osman Nuhu Sharubutu as the Turkish Embassy has decided to build the Osman Nuhu Sharubutu Islamic University in Nzema.

The MCE said as a peacemaker and a unifier, the home-coming summit of the National Chief Iman was expected to unite Nzemas more than ever and bring peace and development to the area.

Madam Amoah said the Assembly would continue to fish out for her sons and daughters who had made an imprint in the sands of time and honour them.