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Religion of Monday, 4 September 2017


Live consecrated lives - Sheikh Haruna Osman Atta tells Muslims

Imam of the Mahalia Islamic Institute, Sheikh Haruna Osman Atta has charged Muslims all over the world to live consecrated lives in order to attract Allah’s blessings.

He encouraged them to remain steadfast, peaceful and pay more attention to worship Allah in good or bad times.

Sheikh Haruna Osman Atta made the call during final prayer session at the Kaladan Park in Tamale to mark this year’s Eid-Ul-Adha revealing that Allah was holy and all his worshipers who emulate him must be holy.

Muslims the world over, on the 1st September observed the annual Eid-Ul-Adha. Eid al-Adha, an Islamic festival to commemorate the willingness of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) to follow Allah’s command to sacrifice his Son-Ishmael. The day witnessed millions of Muslims performing congregational prayers at various parks and mosques whilst close to some three million Muslims also carried out the final rites of the annual pilgrimage in mecca, Saudi Arabia.

At the Kaladan Park in Tamale, the Eid prayers over the years was organized and led by the Manhalia Islamic Institute. Both male and female Muslims from nearby communities of Sabonjida, Dakpema-fong, Aboabo, Lamashegu and beyond had, marched in processions to observe the Eid Prayer, beautifully dressed in their best attire, with the scent of mild and thick perfumes hanging over the air.

Upon the arrival of the Imam of the Mahalia Islamic Institute, Sheikh Haruna Osman Atta, all present straightened up their lines for prayers to commence.

After two rakats of prayer, the Imam delivered the Eid sermon. In his sermon, he encouraged all Muslims to “always give praises to the Almighty Allah wherever they are and whatever condition in life they find themselves”. He added that, “this day is a day of sacrifice and for that matter, it is important for all believers to share goodies with their family and friends as well as their neighbours”. He further indicated that, the day is also a day of forgiveness, a day that the Almighty Allah forgives truly repentant believers and as such, is important that, as human beings, we also learn to forgive each other.