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Politics of Wednesday, 26 June 2024


Free SHS will continue under Mahama - Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang

Prof Opoku-Agyemang assured the people that the Free SHS policy will not be cancelled Prof Opoku-Agyemang assured the people that the Free SHS policy will not be cancelled

The running mate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Prof. Naana Jane Opoku-Agyemang, has assured that the Free SHS policy will not be abolished if John Dramani Mahama is elected as president in the December 7, 2024 elections.

Addressing supporters at New Tafo Zongo during her day tour in the Abuakwa North constituency of the Eastern Region, Prof. Opoku-Agyemang described rumours that Mr. Mahama would cancel the free education policy as false and misleading.

She emphasized that it was, in fact, the NDC administration that initiated the progressively free education system and assured that they would not dismantle the current policy.

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang challenged those spreading these falsehoods to provide evidence supporting their claims, asserting that there is no basis for such accusations against the NDC flagbearer.

She reiterated that the NDC's commitment to education remains strong and that they aim to enhance the existing free education system.

She highlighted the NDC's plans to address challenges within the education sector, ensuring that students will not face difficulties in finding adequate space to learn or accessing necessary educational materials.

If the NDC wins the election, she promised to focus on strengthening the free education policy to make it more effective and beneficial for all students.

Prof. Opoku-Agyemang’s remarks come amidst ongoing debates about the Free SHS bill currently before parliament.