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General News of Friday, 24 March 2017


Akufo-Addo's 110 Ministers: We're not in normal times - Asamoah Boateng

Stephen Asamoah Boateng play videoStephen Asamoah Boateng

At a time when the country has been divided over the size of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo’s cabinet, a former minister in the Kufuor administration has joined the wagon of defense of the incumbent government.

Stephen Asamoah Boateng who served as Information Minister in the former President Kufuor’s government noted that different times call for equally different measures, adding that criticisms being meted out were unwarranted. He further stated that things were not going to be as normal as Ghanaians know it and hence Ghanaians ought to relax.

“I think it’s much ado about nothing really… We’ve given the President mandate to go and run the affairs of the State, legally there’s nothing barring him from doing that. He believes he can do the job with the number. Admittedly it sounds large to everybody, but if you listen to him carefully and what the NPP has been saying, we’re not in normal times anyway and things are not going to be normal as you know and as everybody knows it.” He stated

He also urged Ghanaians to be rather patient with the President and wait to see the endgame. The former Minister revealed that Ghanaians must be patient while getting the leaders to move faster in getting the economy to progress.

“…when people say this is the largest government that they’ve seen, this is the first time you’ve seen Nana Akufo-Addo too….he’s not Kufuor, he’s not Mahama, he’s not Professor Mills, he’s not Kwame Nkrumah, he’s different. And he says he wants to achieve something fundamentally different, so let’s give him room and time….. I think what we need in Ghana is patience, patience, patience.” He added

Since the announcement of ministerial appointees by the President, several people have either taken a swipe at him or hailed him for his decision while some international media have ridiculed the move by the incumbent government.

This government’s ministerial appointees make it the highest since independence with 110.