General News of Wednesday, 1 March 2017


Atta Mills Institute applauds government’s response to save Asomdwee Park

Asomdwee Park Asomdwee Park

The Atta Mills Institute (AMI) has applauded the government for its quick response towards saving the “dying” Asomdwee Park which houses the remains of late President John Evans Atta Mills.

AMI said the rapid response of the government to ensure the late president’s tombstone is saved from ruins, has saved Ghana possible “national disgrace.”

The Founder & CEO of the newly-formed AMI, Mr Koku Anyidoho, expressed his deep appreciation to the government for its speedy response.

After visiting the tomb side on Tuesday, Mr Anyidoho said he was pleased to have met workers fixing the park.

"I decided to go to the Park personally to see for myself if it was really true that the tombstone of my boss had collapsed and I must say frankly that I was very pleased to see that the tombstone had not collapsed and to also see workmen seriously at work doing their best to fix the problems.

"I was not only impressed with the work being done on the tombstone, I was also impressed that the lawns were also being manicured in preparation for the Independence Day celebration on 6 March" Mr Anyidoho told the press.

Mr Anyidoho, who is also the Deputy General Secretary of the NDC said he was impressed by the courtesy accorded him by National Security operatives at the Asomdwee Park as well as their professionalism.

He said one WO1 Twum, who is in charge of security at the Park “was extremely professional and courteous and I salute him for the able manner in which he conducted himself and explained issues to me.”

Mr Anyidoho was accompanied to the Asomdwee Park by Mr Andy Kankam, who is the Director of Research & Planning of AMI.