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General News of Thursday, 2 March 2017


Ghana Gas CEO gets support amid objection to his appointment

Paramount chief of Western Nzema Traditional Area, Awulae Annor Adjaye III with Ghana Gas CEO Paramount chief of Western Nzema Traditional Area, Awulae Annor Adjaye III with Ghana Gas CEO

Paramount chief of Western Nzema Traditional Area, Awulae Annor Adjaye III, has thrown his weight behind the acting Chief Executive of Ghana Gas Company Limited whose appointment triggered protest from some chiefs in the Nzema area.

Awulae Adjaye condemned the minority decision by the paramount chiefs from three traditional areas in Nzema who opposed the president’s decision to appoint Dr Asante as acting CEO of the company. The chiefs recommended Professor Sagary Nokoe, who they said is a New Patriotic Party member from the area who understands the socio-cultural, economic, security, political and environmental dynamics of the terrain” to be considered for the job.

But Awulae Adjaye on Wednesday said he does not support the paramount chiefs, arguing that Dr Asante has the competence to deliver on his mandate.

He said this when Dr Asante paid a courtesy call on the paramount chief at Beyin in the Jomoro District. Awulae Adjaye argued that though Ghana Gas Company is on Nzema land, it is a national asset and any Ghanaians with the requisite experience such as Dr. Asante can be appointed to work there.

Dr Asante on his part commended the paramount chief for his warm reception and pledged to ensure Jomoro receives its fair share of development through their cooperate social responsibilities as well as ensure regular community engagement.

On February 18, 2017, the paramount chiefs led by the paramount chief of Nsien Traditional area Awulae Agyefi Kwame, requested the government to appoint an Nzema person as CEO of Ghana Gas as did by NDC government with the appointment of Dr George Sipa Yankey.