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General News of Tuesday, 18 July 2017


I pity the students of Professor Gyampo – Ayariga

The leader of the All People’s Congress (APC) Dr Hassan Ayariga, has launched a scathing attack on a senior Political Science Lecturer at the University of Ghana and fellow at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IAE), Professor Yaw Ransford Gyampo.

The learned Professor is reported to have advised Ghanaians to desist from taking tutorials from Hassan Ayariga who continuously describes the role of an Ambassador at large position as that of an errand boy.

“Very "educated” people taking tutorials from Hassan Ayariga who has ignorantly described the position as that of an errand boy is certainly regrettable”, he noted in respect of the latter referring to Dr Edward Nasigri Mahama’s appointment as that of an errand boy.

But in a sharp rebuttal, Mr Ayariga admitted that the Professor may be learned, which has resulted in him attaining the status of a Professor, but his reference to him as ignorant smacks of lack of common sense.

“He attained professor status without common sense …..Book sense is different from common sense because our grandfathers did not go to school but they properly took care of our water bodies. I pity the students he teaches. He should come and receive lectures from me about all inclusive governance”, he advised.

Mr Ayariga insisted wisdom is not learnt in the classrooms questioning if Dr Edward Nasigri Mahama will not be embarking on errands for the Presidents as he earlier claimed.

“Are you telling me errand boys don’t do special duties? Professor Gyampo just watched the dictionary meaning of it ... anybody can watch the dictionary meaning and explain it. He should add some sense and wisdom to it. Edward Mahama should not occupy such a position because he did not inform his party about it. You stooped so low that you go and pick an errand boy position and when we talk somebody comes to your defence and say you have special duties ... is it not the same", he asked

He cautioned Professor Gyampo to be mindful of the words he chooses when discussing issues about him (Hassan Ayariga).