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General News of Saturday, 4 March 2017


My appointment as deputy regional Minister is a call to duty – Solomon Boar

Solomon Boar,Deputy Minister-Designate for Northern Region Solomon Boar,Deputy Minister-Designate for Northern Region

The Bunkpurugu constituency lawmaker was among 10 persons appointed on Friday March 3, 2017 as deputy regional ministers pending parliamentary vetting and approval by the president in a correspondence to the speaker of parliament.

But in an exclusive interview with, he said he is elated that president has chosen him to serve in his administration promising to give off his best in the interest of Ghana and in line with the president’s vision for the country.

“I am exceedingly honored that the president has chosen no one but me to partner the regional minister in delivering his mandate to the people of the region”, he said.

He observed that the Northern Region continues to lag behind in so many things following recurring conflicts and stated that there is the need for a paradigm shift to ensure that various developmental projects are embarked on to inure to the benefit of residents.

According to him, poverty, illiteracy and disease continue to be teething problems confronting the people of the Northern Region underscoring the need for conscious efforts by various stakeholders to partner the new government in addressing these problems.

“I will need the support of all including you the media to help me compliment efforts of the minister to change the fortunes of the region which has been considered as one of the poorest in the country in terms of development. We can make a great change and I am sure we must to rewrite the history books of the region as violent and conflict-prone”, he added.